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Forces Veterans’ Mental Health PTSD Resolution is a charity assisting servicemen and women and family members, over the age of 12 years, who are struggling to reintegrate into a normal work & family life because of trauma suffered during service in the armed forces. The programme is community-based, with treatment and support provided locally through a nationwide network of 200 therapists, accredited by the Professional Standards Authority. PTSD Resolution helps Veterans and Reservists to resolve the mental health problems associated with military trauma that obstruct a normal range of family and work relationships. We have no salaried staff or assets at the charity. Donations received fund the cost of treatment by local therapists, information to ensure veterans and families know of the help we offer, and essential fundraising and research. We receive no Government funding. Trauma causes flashbacks, nightmares, anger and depression - often leading to violence, alcohol and substance abuse, job loss, family breakdown and even suicide. Read what the patients say.. |
PTSD Resolution Statement of Purpose We are an independent charity that aims to work with the people other services do not reach or have not been able to help. We work in prisons, for example, and we are generally able to work with traumatised people who have alcohol and drug problems, provided they are able to engage in therapy. For those clients who engage with the therapeutic process and meet their appointments the outcomes from PTSD Resolution are good, even when the trauma is long-standing and severe. However, PTSD Resolution is not a mental health crisis service. If you are in danger or have severe mental health problems please ring your GP; if there is a strong element of risk then contact the mental health crisis team, or if absolutely necessary the emergency services. PTSD Resolution treatment meets a special need of veterans and reservists in that it can be carried out without the therapist or anyone else ever knowing about the events that caused the trauma. This ensures confidentiality, protects the patient from further distress, and protects therapists from hearing about large numbers of often extremely disturbing incidents. These are important safeguards. |